Thursday, October 28, 2010

I need help with the figure of speech "bitter sweet"???

Like the previous post, "bitter sweet" is an oxymoron. It comes from two Greek words, meaning sharp and dull. So, even from the word itself, you are able to get at the definition of the word.

Oxymorons are great to use in literature, because it makes the reader think. It is similar to a paradox in some ways. On the surface, it does not make sense at all, but with some more reflection, usually a great truth is unlocked with wit and cleverness. Moreover, most of life is filled with oxymorons. For instance, no one is consistent. Everyone is a walking contradiction. In part this is what makes life interesting.

A nice oxymoron is "silent whispers." If we expand this idea, we can say apply it also the conceptual things.

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