Sunday, February 26, 2012

Writing a Research paper on lies my teacher told me.How do i outline the probs of high school history and give solutions to problems and identify...

Perhaps a better approach would be to speak of the wrong information my teacher gave me. A lie presupposes intentionality.

That said, there are many ways in which you can start this paper. You can talk about how history needs to be written for every generation, because each generation see things in different ways.

You can also start by saying how each generation has an angle on history and does not see other important perspectives, because of their historical and cultural context. From this point of view, you can go into the many blind spots that historian of the past have had. However, be careful, because other will do the same to us. Modesty is, in my opinion, important. For a good and short insight on personal blind spots see the below link.

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