Sunday, June 22, 2014

Comparison/contrast piece. I need help.

It would, indeed, be helpful to the editors if you had indicated the two sides of your comparison/contrast "piece."  If, for instance, you are comparing and contrasting the man's survival knowledge with the dog's survival instincts, you may first wish to line up the ways in which they are alike as well as the differences.  Also helpful is the use of a Venn diagram in which you draw overlapping circles beside each other.  In the areas in which the circles overlap, you can write the commonalities.  The differences for the man are, then, put in the remainder of one circle while the differences for the dog are put in the remainder of the other.

For some great tips on the actual writing of the comparison/contrast essay, see the questions in the essay lab as well as the how-to topic listed below.

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