Friday, March 18, 2016

What does the number three symbolize?i know this much about the three...three toed sloth, three religions, three animals on the boat with him...i...

Three is considered a powerful number in numerology, Christianity, and several other world religions.  Also in Christianity there is the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Three is meant to symbolize wholeness or completeness.  In math it is also a prime number and cannot be divided or broken apart in any way.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

How did Giles Corey and Francis Nurse try to save their wives?

In Act 3 of "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller, both Giles Corey and Francis Nurse try to save their wives from being convicted of witchcraft.

Both Corey and Nurse go along with John Proctor, whose wife has also been accused, to the court.  With them, they take a petition that has been signed by ninety one members of the community.  All ninety one declare their "good opinion" of the three women.

However, it's no use. Instead of taking the petition as evidence of the women's innocence, Danforth, Parris, and Hathorne use it as evidence that the ninety one are trying to overthrow the court.  All the signers will be brought in for questioning.

I should also mention that Corey accuses Putnam of accusing people for his own gain and Nurse argues that the girls led by Abigail are frauds.  This is before they present the petition.

In these two poems, Blake's ''London" & Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for death, how do the two poets address death?

Blake is dealing with the universal issues of poverty and bondsmanship in his poem. He reveals vignettes of the desparate and bleak society which London had become in his lifetime. He deals with the death of the soul as well as the body: lamenting the moral and spiritual decline caught up in the cycle of greed and poverty which exemplified the city at that time. His clever use of the metaphor of syphilis, the  “youthful Harlot’s curse” perfectly embodies the physical and moral corruption of the society and its infectious, all-pervasive influence.

Death in Dickinson's poem is far more gentle, chivalrous and peaceful. The metaphor here is of a kind gentleman - a profound contras to Blake's use of metaphor. Death here is kindly, though persistent. The implication is that the narrator meets a timely death, unlike the woeful figures in 'London'.

Character analysis of Jimmy Valentine in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry?within 1000 words

Typical of his writing, the short story "A Retrieved Reformation" has its resolution in O. Henry's customary surprise ending.  And, clearly,this story evidences the verity of the statement about love by Sir Hugh Walpole (1884-1941):

The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase.

The inner progressiveness between two human beings is a most marvellous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it.  It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.

All of Walpole's statements are true for Jimmy Valentine.  When he was pardoned by the governor of his state, Jimmy certainly had not been rehabilitated.  For, he lies to the warden about the crime he committed; moreover, when he is released he immediately returns to his former life.  It is not until he travels to Elmore, Arkansas, after having robbed a few banks, that Jimmy experiences "the divine accident" of which Walpole writes.  Like Romeo, Jimmy is star-struck by the daughter of the local banker, Annabel Adams.  So smitten is he that he inquires about her as soon as she has passed him.

Yet, still planning his "bank job," Jimmy Valentine uses the pretence of going into the shoe business as his reason for staying in Elmore.  Once in his room, however,

Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine's ashes,--ashes left by a sudden and alternative attack of love--remained in Elmore and prospered.  He opened a shoe store and secured a good run of trade.

Love has conquered the villainous side of the man who has fallen in love:  Jimmy Valentine, the safe cracker, is no more.  Thus, Jimmy, now a truly rehabilitated man can live a decent, fulfilled life.  However, as fate would have it, the investigator,Ben Price, is on the trail of Dandy Jim Valentine.  This trail leads him to Elmore, Arkansas, where he surreptiously observes Mr. Spenser, who is being shown the new vault by his future father-in-law.

When one of the children who have accompanied an Adams family member is inadvertently locked inside the vault; a new vault that has not yet had its clock set.  The mother of Agatha, who is held captive, becomes frantic in her anxiety for her child's life.  "Annabel turned to Jimmy, her large eyes full of anguish, but not yet despairing."  Ralph Spencer a/k/a Jimmy Valentine experiences an epiphany in those eyes.  Despite the risk to his reputation and his love, he must act; he must save Agatha, the little child held captive.

Jimmy becomes a hero in that moment.  Opening his suitcase with safe-cracker tools, he opens the vault in a matter of minutes. Agatha is gathered into the arms of her mother, and Jimmy reclaims the coat he has removes.  Figuring that his ruse of being an honest man is ruined, he closes his suitcase and walks out the front door.  However, a large man blocks his way:  Ben Price has observed all.

'Hello, Ben,' said Jimmy, still with his strange smile. 'Got around at last, have you?  Well, let's go.  I don't know that it makes much difference, now.

In a strange reaction, Ben Price tells Jimmy that he is mistaken, calling him Mr. Spencer, for truly he is another man. "Don't believe I recognize you.  Your buggy's waiting for you, ain't it?"  Then, Ben Price left.

Jimmy Valentine is reformed when he falls in love with Annabel Adams.  His reformation is lost when he breaks into the vault of the Elmore Bank as he is observed by Ben Price who has seen Jimmy look into Annabel's eyes and smile oddly.  But, Ben Price retrieves this reformation for Jimmy as he cannot help noticing the power of Annabel's love upon Jimmy Valentine.  Truly, Ben Price knows, the man has  definitely been rehabilitated.  So, in a surprise ending, the significance of the title is revealed as Ben Price retrieves the discarded reformation for Mr. Ralph Spencer.

Which lines reveal the imagery in "Richard Cory"? the lines that decribe avivid mental picture in the poem.

Edwin Arlington Robinson is the author of Richard Cory and using specific words(diction) to convey a magestic sense to Cory but in a sarcastic or ironical manner.

For example "...from sole to crown" "...he glittered when he walked" "...richer than a king"

"Clean favored and imperially slim" , "And he was always quietly arrayed" these are some exaples to show his majesty. In addition, "and admirably schooled in every grace..."

He uses these words to show how Cory is seen by other people. His tone is admiration.However later in the poem, we can detect irony.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What did Henry Jekyll say his worst fault was, why was it diifficult and what did he do about it?

Henry Jekyll's fault was a dual one. He had, on the one hand, a desire for gaiety, but, on the other hand, a keen fondness for the respect of fellow professionals to the extent that he assumed a more studious and severe countenance in public. These two dichotomous and irreconcilable sides of him fought with each other and he felt a morbid shame.

The thing that was difficult about this fault was that he was never a sincere, genuine individual with personal integrity in his personality or his life choices. When he gave in to his lower impulses, he was no more fully himself than when he assumed a seriousness that was beyond his sincere degree of earnestness and studiousness. This continual posturing for relief on the one hand and for impressiveness on the other, was a continual strain that degraded his inner character.

At first, Dr. Jekyll did nothing about his faults except to give into them. And when he finally and ultimately gave in and sampled his dangerous experiment, he was gradually turned from respected professional to horrific monster with no civility, no decency or restraint or goodness at all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What are the requirements of barley to the factors of vegetation and which are morphological and physiological attributes?

Barley is adapted to different growing conditions because of high ecological plasticity. Thus, in the northern hemisphere can grow up to 70 parallel north (Norway), and the altitude exceeds 2000 m.

Minimum temperature of germination is 1-2C and during the vegetation the optimum growth and development temperature is 22-26C. Amount of biologically active temperatures is 1700-2100C for winter barley and 1300-1800C for spring two-row barley. In winter, winter barley resists to temperatures up to-15C-17C and, covered with a layer of snow, up to-30C.

Spring two-row barley is more sensitive to low temperature, supporting at all temperatures below -10C.Winter barley humidity requirements are lower than two-row barley requirements, but  critical stages are during the formation of straw and grain filling.

Compared with wheat, barley has higher requirements from the ground, due to less developed root system and weaker power of nutrients rendering soluble . In this connection the most suitable soils are chernozems and forest reddish brown. Sandy soils are contraindicated and those with excess moisture, acid or salt.

Morphological and physiological features

Compared with wheat, barley has a poorly developed root system, with reduced capacity of solubility of soluble compounds in the soil.Twining begins after the appearance of the 3rd leaf, takes 15-20 days, and is conducted at a temperature of 10-12C.Among cereals, barley is capable of twinning , on average it forms 2-3 fertile siblings.

In the spring of the year when the average temperature exceeded 10C, begins  straw forming that, towards the end of development, will have  5-7 cross knots, with blue-green leaves, arranged alternate.Pollination is pollinating and flourishing, which runs morning and evening hours, is performed at temperatures around 15C.Fruit is formed within two weeks of fertilization, and maturation (with three phases: milk, wax and full)and is carried out in 10-12 days.