In his short story, “A Christmas Memory,” Truman Capote creates a memorable character through the use of Buddy the narrator. As the grownup Buddy relates this specific memory, we learn that he is kind and reflective character. The story is full of Buddy’s kindnesses to his cousin. He is always a willing accomplice in the fruitcake endeavor, and while he relates habits and behaviors of his cousin that were repeated so frequently he could predict them, he does not do this with a tone of deprecation. Rather y there is love and respect for a gentle soul who was not always treated gently by the other relatives who shared the house. He relates to us his efforts to console his cousin after they both got in trouble for being a little tipsy after polishing off the tiny bit of Haha Jones’s whiskey that remained after the fruitcakes. It is not unusual for a seven year old to have older people as friends, but long after Buddy was sent of to a military school, long after he started to grow up he kept in contact with his cousin. Many people would have simply allowed the relationship to lapse. So when Buddy got word of his cousin’s death, he was heartbroken and felt as if part of him was missing. This is what lead to his carefully and lovingly relayed reflection.
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