Sunday, March 13, 2016

What is a metaphor in chapter sixteen of The Scarlet Letter?

A metaphor in chapter 16 of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is that of the "Black Man." Mistress Hibbins and others allude to the "Black Man" as being evil or a representation of the devil. It is also suggested that Hester's Prynne's scarlet letter is put there by him. Pearl hears these rumors and when she and Hester are out one night, Pearl asks her mother if the man approaching is the "Black Man." However, the man approaching turns out to be Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister. As Pearl runs off to play while her mother and Dimmesdale talk, she wonders if the "Black Man" put a mark on Dimmesdale as well. She considers this because he is often seen grasping his chest. The idea is that the "Black Man" is a metaphor for the sin or evil act committed between Dimmesdale and Hester.

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