Friday, November 2, 2012

How does Fredrick Douglass justify his attitude towards religion?

The primary justification towards religion that Douglass makes is with his exploration of Christianity.  On one hand, Douglass believes in the powerfully redemptive spirit of Christianity, as the faith in the "promised land" helps to allow Douglass the chance to believe he can be free.  This faith in a "true" form of Christianity helps Douglass to accomplish the goal of freedom and the notion of being free.  Christianity, in this form, is what provided the hope for freedom to slaves like Douglass and others.  Douglass exposes his dislike for his "false Christianity," the affirmation of the religion, yet allowing for slavery.  In this particular setting, Douglass is trying to suggest that religion is a pure and powerful force, but it can also be manipulated to perpetrate the worst of all crimes and increasing human suffering.

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