Hi there, just a few extra thoughts on taking a week off.
As an example: "I will take a week off from work this week." not
"I will take a week off for work this week." If I take a week off for work I am making an arrangement to accomplish work. If I take a week off from work, I am making time for rest and relaxation.
"My responsibilities for my parents are overwhelming."
"I will take a week off from my responsibilities for my disabled child." is correct but complicted.
By way of proofreading, I will suggest that you read your work out loud and to another person who is unfamiliar with your topic. Ask them what they think you meant by what you wrote, if they give you back the same idea, then you are communicating well using the written word. If the listener indicates confusion or gives you back a totally different though than what you intended, then you will need to revise and rewrite your sentence.
When we speak, we have the benefit of facial expression and gestures to help us communicate. When we write, we are totally dependent on the written language to do all the communicating for us.
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