Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What is his mass in the Canal Zone? Answer in units of kg. What is his weight in the Canal Zone? Answer in units of N.A(n) 98.3 kg boxer has his...

Mass is an invariant; that is, mass does not change from location to location. Therefore, the mass of the 98.3-kg boxer is 98.3 kg wherever he goes.

Weight is a force, and is calculated using Newton's Second Law as the product of mass and gravitational acceleration

W = m g

in which the mass is given in kilograms, the local acceleration of gravity in m/s^2, and the weight in kg m/s^2 or Newtons.

Using this equation, we find that the weight of the boxer at the North Pole is

W = ( 98.3 kg ) ( 9.782 m/s^2 ) =  961.57 Newtons

and his weight at the Canal Zone is

W = ( 98.3 kg ) ( 9.832 m/s^2 ) = 966.48 Newtons

Since the mass is given to three significant figures, we should express these results using only three significant figures as well. The weights are then 962 Newtons at the North Pole and 966 Newtons at the Canal Zone.

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