Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is the mass of the second object? Answer in units of kg.A standard object defined as having a mass of exactly 8.21kg is given an acceleration...

This question is answered using Newton's Second Law

F = m a

where F is the applied force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. Using this equation, we find that the force applied to the standard mass is

F = ( 8.21 kg ) ( 2.47 m/s^2 ) = 20.28 kg m /s^2

Now we can use that force to find the mass of the second object. First we rewrite Newton's Second Law as

m = F / a

and substitute the values to find

m = ( 20.28 kg m / s^2 ) / ( 1.0836 m / s^2 )

m = 18.71 kg

Note that since the standard mass and initial acceleration are given to three significant figures, the final answer also has a precision of only three significant figures, so we should really say

m = 18.7 kg

for our final answer.

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