Another key thing that Mildred does, besides watch her precious television programs, is take the car out for drives. She even tells Montag, when he is feeling down, to take the car and drive it around, saying that when "you get it up around ninety-five and you feel wonderful." While she is out driving really fast, she also enjoys hitting the occasional rabbit and dog out in the country. For her, driving really fast is a way to ward off depression, and all of those hankering thoughts of how miserable she is that creep in every once in a while. Montag mentions how when you are going that fast, it's like the wind around you is tearing your thoughts and words right out of your mind and you can't think, at all. This is a definite perk for Mildred, who hates thinking, because then she realizes that she is unhappy.
She also enjoys having her similarly ditzy and empty friends over so that they can watch television programs together, and validate each other in their empty thoughts and lives. I hope that helps!
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