Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Short note on miracle and morality play.

The morality play has been defined as a bridge between the Biblical mystery plays, moral dramatizations of saints' lives in  the medieval period in the Roman Catholic Church and the secular plays of the Renaissance such as the plays of Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

Although it has much less popularity in modern times, the morality play is still around, especially during the Lenten season prior to Easter as an allegorical "everyman" goes on a spiritual journey to moral attributes such as faith, etc.  Also, the "everyman" who is influenced by others along his journey in other situations, eventually acquires integrity of character.  In other words, both the miracle play and the morality play have moral lessons attached to them, but the miracle, or mystery play usually dramatizes a saint's life whereas the morality play is more allegorical.

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