Saturday, July 25, 2015

Who are Portia's suitors in The Merchant of Venice?

The 3 suitors who tried their luck on Portia are respectively Prince of Morocco, Aragan and Bassanio.

The prince of Morocco chose the gold casket as he thought that portia was the thing that men from all over the world needed. Thus he chose the gold casket.

The prince of Aragon proved to be smart when he refused to select the gold casket he didn't want to choose what every body else would choose. However he was a fool to choose the silver casket as he could not imagine Portia's photo to be in a dusky casket like lead. Thus he chose the silver casket.

Bassanio was the hero of the casket scene as he is the only person who chose the correct casket. His arguments were that both the gold and silver casket presented some thing to the chooser but the lead casket threatned the chooser. Bassanio succeeded in his argument and chose the correct casket, winning Portia. 

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