Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What is Scrooge's initial attitude toward the first spirit in A Christmas Carol?

In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Scrooge's attitude towards the first spirit is one of fear. It's important to remember that the first apparition Scrooge sees is not a spirit! That first vision is the ghost - quite a different thing - of Scrooge's old business partner talking to the old miser from the grave. He has come to warn Scrooge about his cheap penny-pinching ways and cold, cheerless, selfish attitude towards his fellow man. It is he who tells Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits.

The first spirit appears at the window and represents the Ghost of Christmas Past. Scrooge's attitude is one of terror when the spirit asks him to take his hand and take off into the sky. The ghost points to his heart and promises Scrooge he will be alright. Many people however get confused and remember the clanking chains of Marley as being the more terrifying!

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