Saturday, April 16, 2011

Compare ideology and spin using a recent media example?Possible topics could be :- · De-classification of drugs...

Among the many issues spinned and pushed by the media in the zeitgeist that we have created is the case of Gary McKinnon.

Here is a person who admits to have hacked for years NASA computers in search of extraterrestial life information, and who shut down the US Army, Air Force, Navy, and DoD. Admittedly, he called himself "SOLO" and teased the people who were trying  get him. And now, he is declaring that his human rights should be met and he should not face extradition to the US.

Now, the kicker is that a group of artists and other media groups in both the US and the UK are making a coalition in his DEFENSE. Sting and a thread of singers and artists are planning (if not already did) a benefit concert on HIS BEHALF, Pink Floyd wrote a song "Chicago-Change the World" on his behalf as well, and a number of people want to vouch his legal fees.

This man is now claiming he has Apsberger's which is indicative that he is looking for a way out. Yet, who has dared to really talk to the true and de-hyped media and face the facts that this man endangered the security of the entire country under a daze of pot, and that there is a clear indication that our Defense department is extremely vulnerable?

Instead, we downplay it to a concert, involve celebrities, and laugh it off as it the whole thing was a big joke.

That is a great example of how the hype can totally bring a country spiraling down.

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