Saturday, April 9, 2011

How does Jem influence Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?i want to know how he influences her and can you give some examples :)

Jem is Scout's big brother in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird."  One of the first things the reader notices in the book is that when Jem makes a decision about someone worth being a friend Scout accepts his decision.  When Dill tells the children that his father in not dead, Scout makes a comment. Jem tells her to hush to which she narrates:

"Jem told me to hush, which is a sure sign that Dill had been studied and found acceptable."(8)

Scout also looks forward to attending school after having had a chance to observe Jem in his red jacket playing with school mates. 

When Scout and Jem find the box with the Indian head pennies in it that has been polished for the children, Jem explains to his sister how important permanent gifts like that are.  She learns from him the value of the gifts. (35)

Jem acts all grown up about the tree hole being cemented up.  In it Boo would leave the children little gifts.  Jem does not let Scout see him cry, but she observes him crying.  He has taught her indirectly that the gifts had mattered.(63)

At the end of Tom Robinson's trial, Tom is declared guilty.  Jem and Scout are present for the verdict.  The children know an innocent man has been found guilty.  Jem takes it very hard.  He cries as the children make their way through the crowd of people.  

"It ain't right, Atticus," said Jem." (212)

Jem and his sister walk home together.  Jem has taught Scout that he believes in justice and what is right.

Scout and Jem are hanging out when she sees a rolly polly and is about to kill it.  Jem tells her to put it outside and not to kill it because it had done nothing to hurt her.  He is teaching her to be kind and to respect life.

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