Saturday, April 23, 2011

What is the effect of Dickens's doubling technique? Does he use doubles to draw contrasts comparisons, or both?explain the motif, doubles, in the...

The doubling technique definitely serves the purpose of both comparing and contrasting. Throughout the novel, he is trying to show the dual nature of man -- man can be a villain and a hero simultaneously. Basically, one person's revolution is another person's massacre. Clearly he is contrasting the major characters by developing so many foils - Carton and Darnay, and Lucie and Mdm Defarge are the two most obvious ones. By showing their extreme actions, reactions, and resolutions Dickens is able to pinpoint what causes a person of dual natures to choose one over the other. It boils down to the differences between love and hate.

Dickens uses the cities to be more of a comparing points. Similar people and similar circumstances are found in both. Again, though, love and hate separate the progressing of one country from the destruction of another.

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