Sunday, June 5, 2011

Do you believe that the Electoral College vote should take precedence over popular vote? Why or why not?

For me, I don't think the Electoral College is useful anymore.  My major problem with it is that it makes the people who are in the minority in any given state completely lose their say in any presidential election.

Under the current system, all the people who vote for the losing candidate in a state may as well not have existed.  Their candidate does not benefit from their vote.  To me, this is not very democratic.

So I would like to see the Electoral College abolished because it would allow everyone's vote to count.

Although that's my opinion, here's the most usual argument FOR the Electoral College:

It is supposed to make the states matter more.  If it were not for the Electoral College, people say, candidates would ignore small "battleground" states and only pay attention to the big states where there are way more people.

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