Thursday, August 11, 2011

Describe the measures taken in a district to protect the health of the people & suggest what improvement could be made.

In the closing portion of the previous post, I found much relevance.  Public health initiatives can be spurned with little cost through social interaction.  The free heath clinic weekend that was present in Houston some time back was something that showed how public health can be enacted in an inclusive setting.  More actions like these are being planned which would link measures taken by a district to protect the health of the people.  In addition to this, schools can help in this process as well.  When recently hit with the fear of the H1N1 Virus, schools played a vital role in educating students in the proper way to cough and sneeze, the need to wash hands consistently and the manner in which this is done, and also the need for sanitary facilities in public settings.  This helps to link the actions that public health officials can take in the need of providing healthy alternatives, information, and actions to all.

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