Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to prepare for HRD manager & total detail of HRD manager? What is the importance of HRD manager?I want to make assignment on HRD manager, so...

HRD (human resources development) manager is a person in the organization heading the HRD function. The importance of HRD manager is directly linked to the importance of the activities of the HRD function in improving total organizational performance.

HRD is primarily concerned with improving the effectiveness and contribution of the the human resources of the organization in achieving the objectives of the organization. Any organization uses four types of resources in course of its operation. These are material, machine and other facilities, money, and man or human resources. Among these four resources the human resources is more critical, because if it also impact how effectively other resources are used. Utilizing the services of people in the organization, developing their skills, motivating them to enhance their levels of performance and ensuring that they remain committed to the organization are essential for the accomplishment of organizational objectives.

HRD consists essentially of four groups of responsibilities – acquiring, developing, motivating and retaining human resources. The acquisition function starts with planning for the number and categories of employees required, and ends with staffing. The development function has three dimensions – employee training, management development, and career development.
The motivation function includes identifying the individual motivational needs of employees and finding ways to motivate them. The retention function is concerned with providing a conducive work environment to the employees and nurturing them to make them feel committed and attached to the organization.

It is not as if HRD department is responsible for these solely and independently. Actually every manager and every employee in the organization is supposed to manage and carry out their work in line with best HRD practices and principles. The role of HRD department is more as facilitator and advisor. A typical HRD department also directly handles clerical and other routine work connected with matters such as employee attendance, wages, disciplinary action and other employment related issues. Typically the human resources department is in an organization is assigned some or all of the following responsibilities.

  • Providing clerical and procedural activities related to employment in the company. Among others it will also include procedures related to disciplinary action and industrial disputes.

  • Preparing manpower plans for the organization as per input information provided by various departments and in line with policy and company strategy and policies.

  • Formulating for management approval and then implementing HRD practices and system to be followed. This will include systems and schemes such as those for job evaluation, remuneration and incentive schemes, and quality circles.

  • Providing support for activities like recruitment, performance evaluation, increments, transfer, promotion, training and separation of employees.

  • Actually organizing training activities of the organization.

An HRD manager, to be able to perform his job well, needs to have good understanding of human behavior. In addition he needs to have specific knowledge of methods and techniques of HRD. He also need to have knowledge of cultural and legal issues affecting the employees and their employment in the company.

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