Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What is the charm that helps Grendel defeat Hrothgar's Danes in Beowulf?

In Beowulf, Grendel's skin is protected from being pierced by the Danes' swords.  I'll quote the lines from Burton Raffel's translation:

...All of Beowulf's

Band had jumped from their beds, ancestral

Swords raised and ready, determined

To protect their prince if they could.  Their courage

Was great but all wasted:  they could hack at Grendel

From every side, trying to open

A path for his evil soul, but their points

Could not hurt him, the sharpest and hardest iron

Could not scratch at his skin, for that sin-stained demon

Had bewitched all men's weapons, laid spells

That blunted every mortal man's blade.   (368-378)

The world of Beowulf and Grendel is a world that includes magic.  Epic poems are not known for their realism, and this one is no exception. 

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