Hashish is made by compression resin glad in cannabis. Only the flower clusters and top leaves are used in making hashish. It is often sold in small chips or blocks, sticky and soft to the touch and varies in color from green, yellow, reddish brown and light to dark brown depending on the type of cannabis used to make the product. Hashish becomes soft when heated and extracts a sticky substance during heating. It is inhaled but can also be prepared in foods such as brownies, teas, or cakes. It is most commonly smoked in pipes, bongs, or hookahs, a type of Turkish pipe.
The primary ingredients of hashish come from cannabis. The variety of cannabis used determines the potency of the product. The product contains THC ((Tetrahydrocannabinol) resin. Its origin is mainly Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan.
Users seek the state of euphoria and relaxation from the drug. Short term side effects include impaired speech, slowed response, imbalance, blurred vision, sleepiness, and disruption of thinking process. Some users experience paranoia and anxiety. Episodes of psychosis are rare but have been known to occur.
Long term use of hashish can affect a person’s lungs and mental process. Long term effects can include the following; bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. In addition it can affect a person’s memory, cause learning disabilities, and alter physical and sexual growth. It speeds up the heart rate which can lead to a heart attack. Use of Hashish can affect a person’s personality and therefore create relationship problems. While addiction to hashish was once considered psychological in nature, recent studies have determined that users also develop physical dependence on the drug.
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