Thursday, April 24, 2014

What is the biggest animal in the world?The biggest, the most loving.

    Of course, the blue whale would have paled in comparison to some of the dinosaurs that roamed the earth. The Bruhathkayosaurus (Titanosaur), estimated at 144 feet long and 220 tons, had a humerous--the forearm from shoulder to elbow--nearly seven feet long. The Seismosaurus (Diplodocid) was estimated at 148 feet or longer. The Supersaurus (Diplodocid), 131 feet long, was lighter at only about 50 tons. The Argentinasaurus (Titanosaur), 120 feet long, weighed in at about 100 tons. The Paralititan (Titanosaur), 114 feet long, was estimated at about 80 tons. The Brachiosaurus was the tallest at 43 feet high.
    The most loving? Why, that would be my little dachshund, Zoe (pictured).

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