Tom and his delightful wife don't have a very good relationship; in fact, it is downright contentious and hateful. In the second paragraph of the story, we learn that they are such money-grubbers that they are always trying to steal each other's money, and that they "conspired to cheat each other," and "many and fierce were the conflicts" that they had. They fought constantly, pretty much hated each other, and the atmosphere in their house was describes as "wordy warfare" and a "den of discord."
Their contention plays a major role in the story after Tom is propositioned by the Devil. His wife wants him to accept the terms--so, she basically tells him to sell his soul to satan. But, simply because she wants him to, he refuses. He wants to--yes, he's greedy and wants the money--but because his wife wants the money too, he refuses, just to keep her from sharing the wealth. They fight even more about this, and she goes off to try to get the deal for herself. When Tom discovers her dead, he "leaped for joy." Not the most kind reaction to discovering your spouse has died. It just goes to show how much they really cared for each other, huh? I hope that those thoughts helped; good luck!
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