Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What is the external conflict and internal conflict in Hatchet?

Hatchet, written by award winning young adult author Gary Paulson, is an intriguing adventure story. The main external conflict is Hatchet against the environment; he must survive after the plane taking him to his father crashes in the wilderness. Brain's first involvements with that external conflict have him crash landing the plane and trying to survive with just a hatchet. He is wounded and at first not very successful but survives and slowly begins to master his environment. 

Internally, Hatchet faces an even greater conflict. He is alone physically but also feels alone psychologically because of his parents' recent divorce. Alone in the wilderness as he tries to survive physically, he deals with conflicting feelings and guilt toward his mother and father regarding the divorce. 

For almost two months Hatchet battles these internal and external conflicts as he matures and learns to survive physically and emotionally. 

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