Sunday, February 22, 2015

In The Kite Runner, does Assef specifically take Sohrab because he knew Sohrab was Hassan's son?Was it stated as such, or implied?

Assef was humiliated by Hassan, and was injured by him as well. Having Hassan killed was not enough for Assef, as Assef seems to have a rather vindictive, violent, and obsessive personality, as well as suppressed homosexual tendicies, in which he gets away with due to his place in power.

Harming Sohrab is just another part of his revenge on Hassan, destroying his son as he had destroyed the father, and as their culture believes, is destroying Sohrabs after-life as well as his exsisting life.

This torture of Sohrab just causes a satisfaction in Assef he could not get and finish with Hassen.

I hope that helps a bit

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