Thursday, September 10, 2015

What personae are assumed by Athena in Book 2 of The Odyssey?

Athena is Odysseus' greatest supporter and protector among the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. In Book Two, Athena bestows a confident air upon Telemachus, whose speech impresses the people. Athena then disguises herself as Mentor (Odysseus' old friend and advisor) and convinces Telemachus to continue his quest for assistance to find Odysseus. Athena then conceals herself as Telemachus in order to procure a ship and provisions, and then casts a spell of sleep upon the suitors so that the real Telemachus can leave Ithaca without conflict. Athena joins Telemachus on his journey, this time again masquerading as Mentor. 

Later in The Odyssey, Athena places thoughts in Odysseus' mind upon his return from Troy. She enters the dreams of Nausicaa to assure that she assist Odysseus. Athena veils herself upon Odysseus' return to Ithaca and lies to him concerning the suitors of wife Penelope. She tests Odysseus by telling him that Penelope has remarried, thinking her husband dead. She then casts a spell upon Odysseus and disguises him as an old beggar to protect his identity within his home. And she instructs young Laertes to kill Eupeithes before she directs that the fighting be stopped.

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