Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why do you think the author wrote Romeo and Juliet?What general idea ties the whole work together?

Shakespeare was an active playwright, actor and later a shareholder in a theatre by the time ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was performed. Shakespeare therefore had a vested interest in its immediate success to help build his emerging career.

Also, Shakespeare’s plays continue to endure, be studied and enjoyed centuries after their publication. This is because of Shakespeare’s ability to tune in to the human condition and explore issues, dilemmas and relationships that still exist in society today. We are still enthralled by the idea of ‘star-cross’d lovers’, love at first sight and the tensions of families pitted against each other with age-old feuds.

 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was not an original idea in terms of storyline, but Shakespeare added life and depth to the characters, which has helped them to survive. The play (along with all of his work) has presumably exceeded his original intention to entertain the masses in his lifetime by doing so across the ages.

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