In a critical summary you must crtique the poem as you summarise it. So, always always start with the title and how it tells about the theme and how it's relevant,briefly, to the life of the poet.
Move through the poem a couple of lines at a time, noting how the poet uses form, structure, technique,assonance,alliteration,rhyme, rhythm and all the other devices you have been taught about so far.
Make sure you know the exact definition of the word 'vagabond.' Some people think it means ruffian, but here Stevenson is using to mean nomadic traveller, or in old-fashioned words 'tramp' or in America the less polite 'bum!'
Summarise the 'storyline' or action and how it is helped by the poet's use of the above techniques. The repetition and rhythm makes this poem more like the beginning of a song.
There is no need to summarise the poem on here, it is quite a simple poem, but come back here for more help if you get stuck on that.
Use the poet's bio to give you insights into his message and meaning in the poem.
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