Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Review the causes, goals, and ideals of the American Revolution. Are the ideals of the American colonists still pertinent? Why or why not?

I have received a mail from pohnpei397, seeking views from a non-American on the question of whether the ideals of the American Revolution remain pertinent today. So here are my views.

The American revolution was primarily a fight against the British attempts to impose their will on the people of European origin settled in America to benefit British people at the cost of Americans. Thus the direct objective of the revolution was to seek freedom from oppressive rule of the British for economic betterment of European settlers in America.

The Ideals of equality and liberty of all men was adopted by the leaders as a means to rally together a very wide section of the population, and perhaps to obtain support of France.

Whatever was the reason for adopting the ideals of equality and freedom by leaders of revolution at that time it was very much an ideal worth striving for at that time. I believe, this Ideal not only continues to be relevant today, but has actually become much more relevant and important today.

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