Saturday, November 21, 2015

What did Jacob get Bella for her 18th birthday in New Moon (the sequel to Twilight)?

New Moon opens with Bella's eighteenth birthday, and she celebrates it with the Cullen family. Jacob is absent from Bella's birthday celebration and, in fact, doesn't appear in the book until several months after Bella's birthday. Jacob's entrance into the novel is marked by Bella's purchase of two motorcycles. She visits Jacob to see if he can help her restore the bikes and offers to give her one of the bikes in exchange for his labor and for riding lessons. In the conversation in which she makes the offer, Bella asks Jacob whether he can legally drive. When she realizes she has missed Jacob's birthday and apologizes, Jacob points out that he missed her birthday as well. They briefly discuss the possibility of having a joint birthday party, but before this happens, Jacob discovers he is a werewolf, which complicates his relationship with Bella. The party never happens, and Jacob technically never gives Bella a gift, unless you consider his restoring the bikes and teaching her how to ride her birthday gift.

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