Friday, November 5, 2010

How many pilgrims are making the journey to Canterbury?

There are thirty-one pilgrims making the journey to Canterbury to worship at the tomb of Saint Thomas a Becket.  They are:

  1. The Narrator

  2. The Knight

  3. The Squire

  4. The Yeoman

  5. The Prioress

  6. The Monk

  7. The Friar

  8. The Nun

  9. The Priest

  10. The Merchant

  11. The Cleric

  12. The Man of Law

  13. The Franklin

  14. The Haberdasher

  15. The Carpenter

  16. The Weaver

  17. The Dyer

  18. The Tapestry

  19. The Cook

  20. The Shipman

  21. The Physician

  22. The Wife of Bath

  23. The Parson

  24. The Plowman

  25. The Miller

  26. The Manciple

  27. The Reeve

  28. The Summoner

  29. The Pardoner

  30. The Canon

  31. The Canon's Yeoman

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