Friday, November 19, 2010

What is multiplication table of decimals?e1

A multiplication table defines the mutiplication for any two numbers. For children it is necessary to understand and memorise the table from 1*1=1 till 9*9=81, though the real mutilication table could be  any big table .

The same table can be used for multiplication of any numbers in decimal system includibg decimal fractional numbers also.

Here is a typical multiplication table from which you can find out the product any two numbers fro 1 to 9

01   02   03     04   05   06     07   08     09

02   04   06    08    10   12     14   16     18

03   06   09    12    15    18     21   24    27

04   08   12    16    20    24     28   32    36

05  10    15    20    25    30     35   40    45

06  12    18    24    30    36     42    48    54

07  14    21    28    35    42     49    56    63

08  16    24    32    40    48     56    64    72

09  18   27     36   45     54     63   72     81

From the above we can see, for example, that 6*5=30 i.e  6th row's first number  multiplied  by 5 (5th column's first number)  is  30 which is at 6th row's 5th number. Or  6th column's first element multiplied by 5th rows first element is at 6th comn's 5 number which is 30.

The table could be used to  multiply a decimal  number fractions also: example 0.7*0.008= 0.0056 is as good as multiplying 7*8 and choosing the decimal point as sum of decimals in multiplier and multiplied numbers.

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