Monday, September 19, 2011

In a chemical equation, which comes first the products or the reactants?How can you remember it? Use Rest In Peace RIP.... Answer: Reactants

Starting from the product definition that says that it is the consequence of a process or series of circumstances, it can be concluded that the product is always the result of something, so it has to occupy the second place, first place being occupied by what is leading to the appearance of the product,in the case of chemical reaction, reactants.

Chemical transformations that substances suffer are called chemical reactions.Substances which react between them are called reactants and after reaction substances are known as reaction products.Chemical reactions are classified taking into account the type of reactants and the type of reaction products (simple substance or compound), in four main types:

- Combining Reaction;

- Reaction of decomposition;

- Replacement or substitution reaction;

- Exchange reaction.

Substitution reaction has as reactants simple substance and  a composed substance.In every substitution reaction a simple substance takes the place of an item from a substance composed. (A + BC = AC + B)

The best known substitution reactions are those between :

- A metal and an acidic solution;

- A reactive metal and water;

- A metal and a solution of a salt.

Acronym RIP (rest in peace, you've suggested) is a bit morbid but very popular and easy to remember, but can I make a suggestion of another acronym, of common usage ?

 For example RRP (recommended retail price), which suggests the cycle reactant-reaction -product:


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