Friday, September 9, 2011

Summarize "Sexual Orientation bias" in the media. Include, the ways in which sexual orientation bias may influence society's attitude towards crime?

All people, organizations and even the media has biases and agendas. Sexual orientation recently has been in the spotlight (last ten years or so), because it has become a more politicized issue. For this reason, views of sexual orientation are nearly everywhere - the news, politics, movies, books, etc. With reference to the media, I would say that there is a general acceptance of different sexual orientations and even the promoting of this. I see very few groups that speak against the diversity of sexual orientations. This fact, then, influences society, because people are media hungry. The average person watches so much TV. I forget the statistics, but it is staggering. If one ties this to crime, then I would say that there would generally be less hate crimes due to the tolerance that the media seeks to show, or at least one would hope so.

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