Saturday, October 15, 2011

In Of Mice and Men what trouble did George and Lennie have in the town of Weed?

Before the novelette's action begins, George and Lennie are run out of the town of Weed because Lennie had once again gotten himself and George in trouble.  He saw a girl wearing a soft dress, and he touches it because "he likes to feel soft things." The girl naturally does not respond well to a stranger pinching her dress and tries to escape, but Lennie will not let go.  George and Lennie are literally forced to run for their lives when the girl cries for help.

The incident serves two purposes.  First, George references it to show the difficulties that Lennie has caused for the two of them, and Steinbeck uses to show that they are still loyal to one another.  Secondly, Lennie's penchant for touching soft items and especially getting them into trouble over a girl foreshadows the horrific incident in the barn with Curley's Wife.

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