Monday, September 10, 2012

How did Jasper become a vampire?

Jasper was born in 1843. He joined the confederate army in 1861. He was promoted quite quickly through the ranks. By the first battle of Galveston he was the youngest major in in Texas. He was put in charge of evacuating the women and hildren from the city when the union's mortar boats reached the harbour. He stayed long enought to make sure they were all situated and then he got a fresh horse and mad ehis way back to Galveston.

He found three women about a mile out of the city, he presumed they were straglers and got of his house and went over to them to offer them any hep they might need. He was stunned to see they were so beautiful and he was speechless. Their names were Maria, Nettie and Lucy. Nettie thought he smelled delicious and probaly would have fed on him if Maria hadn't stopped her. Nettie and Lucy went off to hunt and Maria said, "I truly hope you survivem Jasper. I have a good feeling about you." Then he woke up three days later as a vampire.

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