Sunday, September 16, 2012

How does race affect attitudes towards homosexuality?

The above have valid points, but let's look at racial and homosexual minority groups in the white U.S. macro-culture:

Homosexuals and certain non-white racial groups both are subject to minority status. This not only affects voting and representation in government, but it affects opportunity in competing with the majority groups who attain master status.

Both are targets of prejudice. This, of course, leads to various degrees of socio-economic treatment.  For example, real estate agents have been known to keep minority groups out of white neighborhoods.  Whereas it is more difficult to hide racial status, homosexuality can be more easily masked when it comes to socio-economical status (in this case, securing real estate.

Marriage and the military seems to be the front lines in the homosexuality debate, but immigration is the sticking point in the racial divide.

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