The witches make a couple of prophecies. The first is that None shall defeat Macbeth until Dunsenane woods moves. The second is that none born of woman shall kill MacBeth. The final is that Banquo's children shall rule after MacBeth.
1st- When MacDuff leads the armies against MacBeth, they hide in Dunsenane wood and cut trees to disguise their numbers. they then carry these trees in front of them as they march- giving the impression that the woods are moving.
2nd- When MacDuff battles MacBeth we find out that MacDuff was not actually born in the manner typical. MacDuff was "torn" from his mother's womb- in the form of a crude C-section. So he was not actually "born" of woman.
3rd- we don't actually see this one come to pass, but Elizabethan audiences would have known that King James, the current king of England at the time MacBeth was produced, was the descendant of the actual Banquo- therefor proving the final prophesy true.
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