Friday, July 19, 2013

In ch. 5, Ralph and Piggy prayed for a sign from the grown-up world. In ch. 6, they have been given one. Explain its significance. What is the...

I would also like to add that because the parachutist died as a result of war (a result of violence and cruelty), he truly does become a representation for what they fear. Although only Simon will realize it, "the beast" is actually the evil in each human. This darkness manifests as violence and savagery, as we see on the island. The boys give in to "the beast" and thus descend into savages who only care for huting and killing. Thus, the parachutist really does become the symbol of what they fear.

Also, Samneric's reaction to the form supports this idea of inner darkness. Jack picks up on their fear, and greatly exaggerates the danger for his own gain. So while the parachutist is mistaken for the beast, he also shows that the beast can come in form, from any of us. Unfortunately, Ralph will not realize this until two of his friends have been killed, & the other boys never realize it in the course of the story.

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