Unprocessed pork is low in sodium chloride and has a rich protein content.Is also a good source of vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, and a series of group B vitamins such as vitamin B6, B12, nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin.
Pork is a wonderful source of protein. A serving of 100 grams meat provides about half of the daily requirement of an adult.
- Fat content of pork depends on the part location(breast, etc.), the "weakest" meat being the one of the 6g fat content per 100g of meat;
- Pork contains more unsaturated fat than saturated fat;
- Pork contains conjugated linoleic acid, considered by experts as a good ally of the body against cancer or cardiovascular disease;
- Pork is a good source of iron for the body and is recommended to be inserted in the diet, if feriprive anemia (with iron deficiency);
- A 100-gram portion of pork provides 15% of the daily iron;
- By consuming 100 grams of pork ensure 30% of the daily demand for zinc;
- According to studies, people who exclude meat from your diet of any type, face shortage of zinc amounts;
- Iron, zinc and vitamin D contained in red meat is better absorbed by the body, unlike other foods that contain them;
Risks to health
Uncooked, pork can be the carriers of parasites or dormant diseases . Served after removal of the parts full of fat and cooked without being fried in oil, pork fat is low, on the opposite,consumption of parts full of fat is a risk factor for cholesterol because of rich content saturated fat.
Pigs have the reputation for being dirty animals, prone to infections caused by parasites - Trichinella. Trichinella is a tiny worm that lives in muscle and can cause disease - in humans, by consumption of pork - a parasitic disease called Trichinellosis - the main risk of consumption of pork.
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