Sunday, December 22, 2013

I'm writing an essay on how Rahim is a better father then Baba and I can't think of a conclusion -- any suggestions?

The earlier response is correct. We cannot help you with any specific.  Certainly, you need to restate your thesis, and when I say "restate," I mean say what your main idea is in a different way.  I have found that some students think that a restatement of the thesis should be in the exact same words, but that is what you do not want to do!

Of course, a conclusion, like any other paragraph, must be more than one sentence long.  Therefore, you need to know what else should or can be included in a conclusion.  You should have a review of the points you made in your essay.  For example, if I had three body paragraphs in my essay,  I would review the three points I made in those paragraphs.  Sometimes a conclusion contains a lesson that the writer has learned in the process of writing.  For example, in the case of your particular topic, you might now have greater insight into what makes a father good or bad. 

Remember that the conclusion is meant to wrap things up for the reader and end the paper in a graceful way, not too abruptly.  Just as an introduction is meant to allow the reader to become acquainted with your ideas, the conclusion is a way of saying goodbye to the reader.   

I have included a link to a site that has good advice on writing introductions and conclusions.  Good luck! 

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