Friday, December 27, 2013

What is a good thesis statement for how literature has enlightened me?

In his novel/autobiography, Black Boy, Richard Wright writes of how his reading took him to other environments and taught him greatly about the world.  Certainly, literature teaches moral truths to the reader, truths that the reader can apply to his/her life, truths that the reader understands are universal to all people.  There is no question that one who reads literature gains worldly knowledge.  How often has one read once of the classic and found him/herself understanding the reasons why some facets of life are as they are.

Choosing some moral truths that you have learned from novels, you can use these as supporting details for your thesis that one's knowledge of the world increases by reading literature.  Thus, through literature one becomes a citizen of the world.

Interestingly, there are studies that show that business leaders are turning to literature for instruction in character and in analysis of situations.  To read about this, see the site listed below.

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