Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What allusions can be found in Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech? (Address to the Virginia Convention)

An allusion is a brief or casual reference to some famous person (real or fictional), quotation, work of art, or other such well-known thing.

In this speech, the allusions are mainly taken from the Bible, but there is also one from classical literature/mythology.

Some allusions in this speech (in order)

Song of the siren -- from the women who tried to tempt Odysseus and his crew to their doom.

Having eyes, see not... -- Mark 8:18

Lamp to guide my feet -- Psalm 119:105

Betrayed with a kiss -- Refers to how Judas betrayed Jesus by kissing him

Battle to the strong -- Ecclesiastes 9:11

For more explanation about allusions, check out this video:

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