Monday, February 24, 2014

Satire/Double Speak in 1984 Part 1?Examples of Satire and Double Speak in Part1? I know about vaporized, but anything else really significant? I'm...

If you think of satire as the use of irony or sarcasm, then you can see a few pretty obvious examples of satire in Part 1.  The first thing I would point to would be the Party's three major slogans:

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

By having these be the slogans for the society, Orwell satirizes the extent to which the Party has eroded truth and the meaning of words.

Similarly, you can look at the names of the ministries.  For example, the Ministry of Love is in charge of brutally torturing people.  Winston works in the Ministry of Truth where he destroys the truth and creates lies.

All of these are satirical in the sense that they are very ironic and sarcastic uses of words.

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