Monday, February 24, 2014

What are the symptoms and treatment of mesenteric ischemia?

Chronic ischemia of mesenteric artery  in atherosclerotic etiology is frequently associated with abdominal pain after eating and occasionally diarrhea. Patients have finally fear of diet, due to associated pain.Acute ischemia is, however, a much more brutal and severe symptoms, with intense abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and rapid deterioration of general state, the patient could get even shocked.

Vomiting has food nature to that in advanced cases be accompanied by blood and even feces. Symptoms depend very much on the artery involved in the process -inferior ischemic  mesenteric artery presents, for example, abdominal pain, but with few other symptoms conclusive.

The pain is very poorly located (this is a characteristic of visceral pain). It occurs in 75-85% of patients. Vomiting and nausea are also common, but diarrhea occurres only at some cases.Classic triad for entero-mesenteric ischemia with cardiac embolic is represented by abdominal pain, complete emptying of the bowel and chronic heart disease.

Acute mesenteric ischemia is a surgical emergency. In pre hospital it will be administered first aid measures to the patient: securing a venous access, installation of a Nasopharyngeal-gastric probe,therapy with  oxygen. Patients may require electrolyte rebalancing and nutritional. If thrombi is, however, timely found , it is tried it's  destruction with thrombolytic agents administered intravenously.

Chronic mesenteric ischemia can be solved by cutting and the excision of blocking area, by stringing the vascular heads  and reconnecting artery to aorta (re-introduction in vascular circuit).

Another procedure is to bypass blocked area, using a non allergizing plastic graft .

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