Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Please explain what fermentation is, and explain also how a product (such as wine) is made.

Energy yielding oxidation in which the oxidant is an organic compound is called fermentation. In fermentation, organic compounds act both as electron donors and acceptors. Fermentation is of five types:

1) Alcoholic fermentation: In alcoholic fermentation pyruvic acid is metabolized to ethyl alcohol through acetaldehyde.

2) Lactic acid fermentation: This is one step reaction similar to glycolysis of mammalian cells. Pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid.

3) Propionic acid fermentation: In this type of fermentation by propinonic acid bacteria (e.g Propionibacterium)the product is propionic acid.

4) Formic acid fermentation: Most enteric bacteria carry out this type of fermentation. Pyruvate metabolism results in many different products, but formate is always produced.

5) Mixed amino acid fermentation: This type of fermentation takes place during putrefaction.

Wine is made from juice of grapes or other fruits by allowing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var.ellipsoideus to induce alcoholic fermentation. It contains about 10-12% alcohol.

There are of two types of Bacteria. These are as follows:

1) Useful bacteria: ex: Pseudomonas radicicola,Mycoderma aceti,Clostridium butyclium,Escherichia coli

2) Harmful baceria:ex:Xanthomonas citri,Diplococcus pneumonie,Pseudomonas coli

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