Sunday, March 8, 2015

I am doing an essay on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and use quotes. How do I do MLA formatting for citations and works cited page?

MLA formatting is pretty easy to grasp, once you have a handle on it.  To do a works cited page, you are going to need a copy of the book that you are using quotes from.  That book will provide all of the information that you need to do a citation.  To cite a book in a works cited page, do it in the following format:

Author's last name, first name.  The title of the book, underlined.  The city the book was published in:  the company that published the book, and the year it was published in.

For example, I have a copy of Huck Finn in front of me, and with MY version of the book, I would cite it as follows:

Twain, Mark.  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  New

York:  Ballantine Books, 1950.

This answer format doesn't allow me to underline, but typically, you have to underline the book title.  To find the publishing company and city, look inside the first title page of the book, usually at the bottom, and for the most recent copyright.  Another thing that you need to do is indent the second line of the citation--I tried to show that above.  Then, you just list that on your works cited page.  If you are listing other books, use the same formatting, but put them in alphabetical order, by whatever comes first in the citation.  So, Twain would be towards the end of that list, since "T" is later in the alphabet.

Now, to use quotes from the book, toss the quote in.  Then after the quote, put parentheses, with the author's last name and the page number of the quote.  For example, "I know'd he was white on the inside" (Twain 264).  Note that I put the period AFTER the paranthetical citation.  Don't put the period inside the quote, but after you finish the sentence.  If you were wanting to continue your thoughts after the quote, it would look like this:  "I know'd he was white on the inside," which shows that Huck considered Jim an equal (Twain 264).

I hope that those thoughts help; check out the links below also, and they will give you further assistance.  Good luck!

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