Monday, March 9, 2015

What medications influence the effect of anticoagulants?

For example, Aspirin is renowned for its ability to imped blood clotting, that can causes heart attack and stroke, while, Celebrex, which is used as painkiller by the patients who suffer by arthritis, or experience other kind of pain, is known that interfere with Aspirin, reducing it's anticoagulant effects.

The solution for the problem presented above, could be an increasing of the Aspirin doses (from 81mg to 324mg), but not ingnoring the side-effects of the higher Aspirin doses on the gastrointestinal tract, which could become severe, if doses are taken on long term.

Another manner to avoid the underminning effect that Celebrex has on Aspirin, is to increase the time between taking both drugs, in this way, even Aspirin is taken in low-doses (recommended for the patients who have gastrointestinal disorders), nevertheless it will have the intended effect.

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