Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Should civilians be able to carry firearms? 3 points would help.

Regardless of the second amendment of the Constitution, you have a choice, the freedom of choice.

You have the right to protect yourself, your family and friends.

You have the right to let Government come into your homes and allow them to tell you what to do.

You have the right the freedom of choice, to allow the government to tell you what health insurance you will have.

You have the right the freedom of choice to ideally sit back and allow criminals to destroy your family your dreams and your personal property.

These are your choices, the freedom of choice, just as I have choices.

Neither of us should have the right to tell the other on how we as free peoples should live because of our personal feeling or believes. We have the freedom of choice.

I respect my God and my Country.

I respect each of your choices in this matter and how you make your choice is your rights and the freedom of choice.

Given to you by those who defend our rights as a free Nation.

I do not go out looking for criminals, that is why we have the local law enforcment.

However, you all know they can not be there in a blink of an eye.

I choose to select how I protect my family.

I choose and have the right to use my local law enforcement if time permits.

I choose  and have the right to use minimum amount of force necessary to protect my family and friends.

If they (the criminals) make me choose to use deadly force, God help me make the right choice, I will use deadly force.

I choose and have the right not to let a Government tell me what to do and how to do it.

I choose and have the right not to let a Government tell me what health care I should use.

I choose and have the right not to have a Socialist Government!, if you chose that you are living in the wrong country.

These are just a few of my freedoms and is my the freedom of choice, to believe God will guide me in my choices..

God bless you and your family.
Most of all
Gob Bless America.

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